Thanks for being patient with us.

We’ve done a huge amount of work today and have finally received guidelines from the DfE and are a little better prepared for the week.

Schools aren’t closed, and in fact they’re open to many families…. Quite a worry when this is supposed to be a lockdown that limits movement and transmission rates of a virus.

I’ve included here our survey to ask about your requirements but, to support everyone here (children, staff and parents alike) as well as our wider community, please spot the message where it asks you to stay at home where you can.

Provision in school is going to be almost exactly the same as the remote provision we issue, and as long as our Wi-Fi (being problematic today!) holds up ok, we’ll be expecting Google Meets and registration to take place daily.  The goal is to ensure all children receive similar provision regardless of where they are.

As I am sure you can imagine, this is going to be much harder for the team than the previous lockdowns as they will be providing both in class and remote teaching at the same time with a high expectation of remote provision.

To enable us to plan we now need to know who is going to need provision in school and when.  Government have confirmed the list of critical workers (see link) and have clarified that if one parent/carer in a household is a critical worker then provision in school is possible.   However, we would urge you to consider the intention of the lockdown to reduce mixing and therefore if you can keep your children at home please consider this.  Likewise, if you do not need provision every day, we would urge you to only request the days that are needed.  We will also be aiming for consistency of booked days and will not want a drop in child-care arrangement.
Please complete the survey below.  To save on communications, if you are eligible and have completed the form, we will see you tomorrow morning.

Critical Workers, and Remote Learning… Lockdown Survey – click here.

You will have heard from your child’s class teacher about details of remote learning, via email, Google Classroom and a previous blog.  Your teacher will be completing the register each morning, so please don’t worry about emailing us each day – we will take note of who’s in or online, and we’ll make contact if we don’t see you.  Likewise, please get in touch if you need help!

Thanks again for your patience and kind comments over the past 24 hours!