Just a touch less than two weeks of Remote Provision and then we’re all back on the 8th March!

I’ve got to say that I’m looking forward to some normality and seeing everyone back in… and what a term to have this as our school value for the half term – We Are Community!  I bet, after a rainy and tough half-term week, you’re all looking forward to having everyone back in too!

So, two more weeks of Remote Provision.  Please join the Meets that we’ve arranged each day, and use the HAND IN button like you all have last half term.   For those who are eligible, please complete the form when it comes out on Thursday.  The same rules apply please – if your child is safe at home and can be there, then they should be.

I’ve not heard about Lateral Flow (rapid) testing for Primary school children, only for secondary school children, but I will let you know if I hear anything more on this.

I think this shared Album has updated now… so here’s a quick message from me!