You may have spotted some new posters around school about some exciting new projects that will be happening very soon!

We thought this would be a good way to show all the exciting developments going on at school.

You may have heard already from our Blog updates that Preschool staff and parents have been working hard on the Forest Village – we have some further exciting plans for this area.  Thanks to FROGS funding as well as some lovely materials (and time) donated by parents.

We’ve been successful with a Lottery Grant application, and with some more funding from the school’s ‘Capital’ fund ( a ring fenced pot of money), our sports grant and FROGS too, we’re completely replacing the whole of the Trim Trail and our Motivator climbing frame this Easter break.  The posters around school and on our website, tease you with a little peak at what we’re getting in!

Another exciting and big project is that of the Early Years canopy.  We’ve long wanted to cover the area between Reception and Stepping Stones as this will just further the opportunities the children have for playing in the outdoors and the ‘continuous provision’ that’s part of their curriculum.  This has only become an option after we researched and requested some Section 106 funds from County.

We’ve also used the opportunity to explain about the Sports Premium that schools get, and detail some of the events that we’ve been able to fund.  Thanks to a brilliant group of parents, we’ve managed to take part in weekend fixtures too!

This year really has been quite exciting so far but I’m thrilled to see so many projects starting to come alive!  A huge thanks must also therefore go to our Governing Board.  They’ve been a strong team and have managed to support, develop and lead these projects over the past year or so.  Thank you!