Class Stars 🙂 Well done to…

Our Early Years… Freya-Grace Clark 

Class 2… Tess Hill-Dymond

Class 3… Jack Ferguson

Class 4… Harry Legg

This ½ term’s school value is…

We are Kind.

Together with our parents and our church, we provide a caring and nurturing environment where we learn to value and respect others by being valued and respected ourselves.
‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’ (Luke 6 v31)

Attendance so far…

School average: 97.0%
(Down slightly from last week)

Harvest time is fast approaching us!   Over the next 5 days… Please bring non-perishable food items into school that we’ll pass on to the local foodbanks.  We’ve also, in the past, sellotaped coins or notes to the food items that can further support the charity.

We’ll walk to St. George’s Church for our Friday Celebration & Harvest Assembly and you are more than welcome to come and join us for a rough 2.50pm start, or for a 3.15pm pick up from church.  We’ll see you there!

St. George’s Church would also love if you could come along to the Harvest Service of celebration on Sunday 2nd October.  They have their service at 11am and everyone is welcome to follow on for the “Bring & Share lunch” in Georgeham Village Hall straight afterwards too.

Subscribe to our Blog! 
We’re really sorry for the inconvenience, but we do now have the website plugin working again.  All previous subscribers will (should!) still get posts emailed to them, and we’ve added some of our new families too.

If you’ve stumbled upon this post or see this via email or Facebook, and you would like to be added to our Newsletter and blog notifications – click the link below to subscribe.

Flu vaccination… An NHS team are coming to school on Wednesday 28th and have extended the deadline for you to book your child to have a squirt up their nose.  You have until  midnight on Sunday to book online using the link below.

Appledore Book Festival

We’re excited to tell you that we have two authors coming to our school the week after next!

Chloe Inkpen and Dave Cousins’ books may be recogniseable and you may even have one on your shelves already.   They aren’t selling books on the day, but last time we did this the children really wanted to have a book for themselves and get it signed too…

They’re not that expensive at all, so please go online and come prepared with your own book to get signed!  

Mrs Blackhat
ISBN: 978-1444940107
Mrs Blackhat and the ZoomBroom
ISBN: 978-1444950342
Hole in the Zoo
ISBN: 978-1444931716

Basketball Club … Rob from Devonshire Tennis Academy is planning to start a Basketball club for years 2 to 6, on Friday mornings, starting on the 4th November.  Please collect a form from the office which gives you further details and information about how to contact him.

French Club … Sarah Cox is also going to hold an after school French Club after the 1/2 term break for years 1 and 2 on Tuesday after school, and years 3 to 6 on Thursdays after school.  Please come and grab a form from the office so you can find more details, get in touch with Sarah and put your name down.

Small School, Huge Horizons… but all made possible with the extra help from parents like Sam Humble-Smith (yes, I know you wouldn’t want me to put your name in the newsletter – sorry) who has helped keep our front office less stretched but, more importantly, really helped us to provide more clubs for the children!  Thank you.


Piano… a message from Sophie Kerslake.
We have space for children to have piano lessons at school on Fridays.  Please phone her directly on 07799 719865

Guitars… a message from Sarah Cox.
I teach children from Year 2 and onwards. Preferably they would have their own guitar, but this is not essential as I have some I can loan out for the short term.  Parents can email me to get in touch:


Attendance We frequently report the attendance of individual year groups as it’s a really good way to see if school attendance is at a good percentage… with it as high as possible of course!  The DfE have a target of 96.5% but sadly, we finished the year, last July, being slightly below this.

Attending school regularly is vital to help children achieve and to give them the best possible start in life.  It’s also a legal requirement of parents once children are of school age and enrolled in mainstream education.  Ofsted has a strong view about attendance of course and, therefore, too many absences can lead into difficult discussions about how we can support children to achieve and do well – we could even be downgraded for our current Good status as a result.

Absences will only be authorised if they meet exceptional circumstances.  With only 190 statutory school days in the year, there are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) left to plan for family visits, non-urgent medical/dental appointments, holidays etc.  School holidays are published well in advance and parents are expected to plan and take family holidays at this time so as not to disrupt their child’s education.  We also try to arrange our Inset (training) days to provide time for travel… such as this term’s October 21st.

Punctuality is important too, and the earlier we get our children into the right habits, the better.  You may not realise that being just 5 minutes late every day equals 3 days of school lost a year.  Please bring your child for 8.45am when they door is open and the classroom has a learning activity ready for them.

Dates in the diary… bottom of the front page…

Dinner Menu…

Our school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Julian Thomas
You can contact us on

If you have any concerns that you’d like to discuss, please call through to Lottie and ask for an appointment. You may also find some useful or helpful information on our Safeguarding webpage…
