Class Stars 🙂 Well done to…

Our Early Years… Aria Gilroy

Class 2… Holly Betteridge

Class 3…Isabelle Carlino

Class 4…Evie Buck

This ½ term’s school value is…

We are Kind.

Together with our parents and our church, we provide a caring and nurturing environment where we learn to value and respect others by being valued and respected ourselves.
‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’ (Luke 6 v31)

Welcome back to the new school year everyone!

It’s sad that in the first week back at school, we’ve all heard the upsetting news that our Queen has died. We’ve held light-touch reflective moments in our classes today for the children to think, talk and ask questions if needed. I hope this helps with their understanding in conversations at home and the upcoming events that will need to take place.

We welcome several new staff to school this September.
Miss McCormick is teaching Class 4; Miss Boreham is teaching Class 2; Mrs Carter is one of our new TAs; and most of you may have already met Lottie Hare, our new administrator in the office. Being a small school, this is quite a turn over of staff so we’re grateful with your patience whilst everyone learns new systems.

We’ve got some ‘The Year Ahead’ meetings taking place next week. We’ll share some key information with you and it’s a nice opportunity to come inside school and meet staff.
Class 3 – Monday 12th @ 2.45
Class 4 – Tuesday 13th @ 2.45
Class 2 – Wednesday 14th @ 2.45
Class 1 – Tuesday 20th @ 2.45

On Friday 16th, we have our first non-uniform day.
Our “Izwilenkozi Day” is an easy and fun way of gaining some financial support for a charity in Africa called Challenge Ministries Swaziland (CMS). After hearing about CMS several years ago, we decided to sponsor a young boy called Izwilencozi. A donation (even just £1) to have a non-uniform day a couple of times through the year really supports them. You can read more about the charity and their work here –

You can find many other dates in our school diary on our website’s front page.

Our website has been down over the summer break whilst we changed our web host. This has meant that we’ve not been able to subscribe parents to our automatic emailing system. It’s a great system when working and we’ll endeavour to get this fixed as soon as possible as it’s great for quick messages and sharing news, and as it goes to Facebook too, we share photos and information about the children’s learning.

Guitars… a message from Sarah Cox.
I teach children from Year 2 and onwards. Preferably they would have their own guitar, but this is not essential as I have some I can loan out for the short term. If they have a buddy that they would like to do lessons with, that is equally welcome. The lessons are either one to one, or paired with a similar ability level- their choice! And they aim to be of a musical style that relates to the individual children, with a mixture of theory and practical- but always fun! And they take place within the school day, so they don’t disrupt after school activities. Parents can email me to get in touch:

Dates in the diary… bottom of the front page…

Dinner Menu…

Our school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Julian Thomas
You can contact us on

If you have any concerns that you’d like to discuss, please call through to Lottie and ask for an appointment. You may also find some useful or helpful information on our Safeguarding webpage…
