In literacy this week, the reception children have been learning their initial sounds and are now starting to blend and segment them into words! Today, we practiced writing short words using our new sounds. Year 1s have been working super hard on their Jack and the Beanstalk story, we have now filled up the learning wall with their wonderful story maps!

In maths we have been using numicon to help us count correctly and recognise different numbers. As a group we started looking at number bonds to 10 and year 1s had the challenge to find number bonds to 20!

This afternoon we started learning some history about The Victorian’s, we learnt what it was like to be a child in the Victorian times and we can’t believe they had to go to work! We listened to ‘Food glorious food’ from Oliver Twist!

Our favourite area this week was the ‘potion making station’ outside…it was very messy and we had fun mixing the colours. This inspired us to start reading ‘George’s marvellous medicine’ as our class story. We are loving it so far! What a fab week, have a lovely weekend!

Miss Smale and Mrs Holbourn

[Categories Whole School, Class 1]