Sorry – sensitive post WARNING.

Class 3 have been learning about foods, teeth and body parts for a while but we started on digestion last week and I thought a full practical would be a great way to see it all working.  How on earth to do this in a classroom??  Well, see below for some horrible photos and a full descrition of the process!

What to do. …with… What does
it represent?


Crush up the cracker in the cup Teeth
Mush up the banana in the cup Teeth
Makes it runny with water in the cup Saliva
Mush Up with orange juice in the bag Stomach
Mush up and squeeze through the tights Small Intestine
Liquid out into the tray Body absorbing liquid
Move to… into the Cup Large Intestine
Second cup needed 2 Cups
(1 x hole)
Large Intestine muscle – yucky bit
Squash it out onto the paper towel Going to the loo!
Wash hands! Soap and water Being clean!