Who Are the School’s Governors?

The current members of the Governing Board are listed below, together with the responsibilities they hold on the Board and their term of office.  For information about Governor Business interests and meeting attendance please see our Governors Register page. 

We are always happy to answer any questions about school governance and our work, or to hear from individuals who may be interested in becoming school governors.  We can be contacted via the School Office or by email to: chairofgovernors@georgeham-primary.devon.sch.uk.

Name Office/Committee Membership Lead Areas Type Term of Office
Matthew Woodeson

Chair of Governors

Teaching & Learning Committee

Resources Committee

Head Teacher Appraisal Committee

Parent/Community Link Governor

Curriculum lead for IT and PHSE




17/01/2022 – 16/01/2026


David Humphries

Chair of the Teaching & Learning Committee

Head Teacher Appraisal Committee

School Improvement & Raising Achievement, Pupil Premium

Curriculum lead for English and Maths

Local Authority Officer 25/7/21-24/7/25
Emma Hill Teaching & Learning Committee  n/a Staff 23/7/21-22/7/25
Gill Gething

Teaching & Learning Committee

Head Teacher Appraisal Committee

SEN & Inclusion; Safeguarding/CPR

Curriculum lead for Science and SEND

Co-Opted 16/9/19 – 15/9/23
Emma Greenwood

Resources Committee

Pay & Performance Committee

Finance, Grants & Wellbeing

Curriculum lead for History and Geography

Foundation 04/11/20 – 03/11/24
Kevin Fry 

Teaching & Learning Committee

Resources Committee

 n/a Head Teacher Appointed 1/1/2024
Lucy Wright

Resources Committee

Pay & Performance Committee

Health & Safety, Safeguarding Cover

Curriculum lead for Sport

Parent  04/11/20 – 03/11/24
Sarah Cox Teaching & Learning Committee

Curriculum KS1/EYFS

Curriculum lead for Music and Modern Foreign Languages

Parent 29/11/2021 – 28/11/2025


Resources Committee

Pay & Performance Committee




17/01/2022 – 16/01/2026

Geoff Phillips Teaching & Learning Committee

Wellbeing & SIAMS

Curriculum lead for RE


as Substitute for the Ex Officio position

8/3/22 – 7/3/26
Vacancy     Parent tbc
 Jo Richardson Clerk to the Govenors n/a n/a c