Welcome Back!

My assembly this morning was all about being nervous on your first day back but also being nervous about trying new things. You’ve got to try because if you succeed you’ll be happy, and if you fail, well… you’ve learnt! Have a look at the assembly presentation on our blog!

We’ll be trying to increase our use of our blog this year with helpful and useful information being published there, as well as photos and records of what the children get up to at school. Just put your email address into the slot at the bottom of the webpage and you’ll be notified of new posts.

Our weekly newsletter will still come out on paper on Fridays but if you’d like it emailed just simply email kay in the office and she can add you to our anonymised distribution list. (admin@)

You may have noticed the ‘no parking’ signs at the entrance to Putsborough Close. This is due to excessive and inconsiderate parking that our local residents are experiencing. Please read the letter from Ali Smith, our Chair of Governors, and consider how you could help us to reduce congestion around school, keep our local residents happy but ultimately keep our children safe.

Have you got any spare time during the week you could offer us at school? We’re always looking out for volunteer readers who can listen to some of our children read. Please talk to your child’s class teacher – we’d be really grateful!

PE kits are needed in school from day one please. I’m sure they’re all in school already but don’t forget to bring them back after ‘washing weekends’ and have them in school for every day. Please note too that jewellery shouldn’t be worn in school and that ear studs have to be removed for PE.

Concerned over the cost of technology – phones, tablets and anything that can take a photo should NOT be brought in to school for Golden Time. Mobile phones shouldn’t be brought in to school anyway but if they do accidentally get brought in, Mrs Herbert can look after them for the day.

Harvest Assembly, Sean’s Day, our Annual Putsborough Beach walk (next week) and various school trips are some of the things that we’ve put dates to already – the website, blog and newsletter will have these dates so keep an eye out!

Julian Thomas


Dear Parents,

Parking in Putsborough Close

Welcome back to school – we hope you all had an enjoyable summer!

Many of you will have noticed that ‘Residents Only’ signs have been placed in and around Putsborough Close. This follows a series of complaints to the Parish Council over a long period of time. Some of the residents in the close have expressed concern that the large volume of cars parked in the close and the manner in which some are parked pose a danger to children as well as being disruptive for those who live in the street. Whilst we appreciate that parking in and around the school is limited, we would however like parents to consider the following when considering how to travel to school:

– If you live in the village or travel from Croyde via St Mary’s Road please park in the Village Car Park or Village Hall Car Park

– Where possible please walk or cycle to school or car share

– If you travel from Croyde via Stentaway Lane or from Pickwell or Putsborough please park on Putsborough Road where possible

– Please take car when reversing cars, respect the 20 mile hour speed limit and don’t park on verges, up on the grass or in driveways unless given permission by the owner.

Residents have identified that problems are worse when there are large school events such as end of term fetes, performances etc. Please try to car share where possible when there are school events and once again park on the side of the village which is closest to your commute route.

We appreciate parking is a sensitive topic but would ask for your support in helping make a few changes that we hope will go some way to addressing some of the concerns expressed by local residents.

If you would like to discuss the issues raised any further please do not hesitate to speak to me, Julian or one of our Parish Councillors, Rob Tucker.

Kind regards

Alison Smith

Chair of Governors

Julian Thomas
