It’s the start of the school year… welcome back to those returning and hello to our new parents!

Each term we focus on an aspect of our SEAL curriculum which is based on Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning.  This term we start with ‘New Beginnings.’  This theme offers children the opportunity to see themselves as valued individuals within a community, and to contribute to shaping a welcoming, safe and fair learning community for all.  Throughout the theme, children explore feelings of happiness and excitement, sadness, anxiety and fearfulness, while learning (and putting into practice) shared models for calming down and ‘problem solving.

My assembly this morning was based on our SEAL theme but also suggested that we will only learn from trying something new.  If we shied away, got scared or turned down an opportunity, we wouldn’t have the chance to learn.  This is getting a mention in our maths lessons all of this week too… “How do we learn?”

Rather than just being from the ‘man who does assemblies’ (lovely quote from a reception child this time last year) you could share the assembly with your child and ask what they think?