learning through play

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Playing in the Willow…


We know the Willow has a bit of growing to do before the houses, tunnel and discovery wall are complete. However, we couldn't resist taking the children up to the Forest Village today to show them. We are so glad that we did. The children were so excited about the new structures and it filled us with so much joy [...]

Playing in the Willow…2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00

Forest Village Helpers Needed – This Saturday!


Hello and a very happy Wednesday to you. This is just a swift plea for more Forest Village helpers this Saturday, 9th November. We will be meeting at 10am to continue work on the exciting Nature Area project. There will be biscuits, a hot brew and the possibility of perhaps releasing a 'Forest Village People' single...don't hold us to that [...]

Forest Village Helpers Needed – This Saturday!2022-08-18T13:27:07+01:00
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