early years

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Hi Ho, Hi Ho! It’s off to Forest School we go!!!…


With highs of 26 degrees expected this afternoon, the weather couldn't be any more different to what we have been experiencing over the last few weeks. And we welcome the sun with open arms. However, nothing stops us at Stepping Stones, come rain or shine. When the outdoor calls, out we must go. So last Wednesday, after enduring many a [...]

Hi Ho, Hi Ho! It’s off to Forest School we go!!!…2022-08-18T13:27:08+01:00

Hi Ho, Hi Ho! It’s off to Forest School we go!!!…


With highs of 26 degrees expected this afternoon, the weather couldn't be any more different to what we have been experiencing over the last few weeks. And we welcome the sun with open arms. However, nothing stops us at Stepping Stones, come rain or shine. When the outdoor calls, out we must go. So last Wednesday, after enduring many a [...]

Hi Ho, Hi Ho! It’s off to Forest School we go!!!…2022-08-18T13:27:08+01:00

When the Headmaster is away…Stepping Stones come out to play…


It's been in the diary for a while. Friday 14th June, the school will be empty! With a trip to Rosemoor planned for Class 1 & 2 and D-Day celebrations on Saunton beach for years 3 & 4. Naturally, that got us thinking. How can we make the most of such an opportunity? We started the day by explaining to [...]

When the Headmaster is away…Stepping Stones come out to play…2022-08-18T13:27:08+01:00

Stepping Stones and the Jet Ski…


We cannot thank Phil from the RNLI enough for his exciting and insightful visit to Stepping Stones this morning. Not only did he take the time out of his day to visit us, he really did an excellent job of making it fun, interesting and engaging for the very young ages that he was presented with. Thinking ahead Phil sent [...]

Stepping Stones and the Jet Ski…2022-08-18T13:27:09+01:00

Building bridges…and stories!


Last week in Stepping Stones we explored bridges and this led to a huge array of activities. We talked about bridges and their uses. We built bridges out of lego, duplo, blocks, junk modelling. We also explored the 'Billy goats Gruff' story. It was a great topic and the children built some fantastic structures and started some amazing conversations. During [...]

Building bridges…and stories!2022-08-18T13:27:11+01:00
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