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Mastery in Maths evening…


Thanks Miss Hill and Mrs Rinvolucri... and thanks to everyone who came to our 'Mastery in Maths' evening... Everyone can be good at maths. https://youtu.be/J3wiBVDpSNg Encouraging a Growth Mindset in maths... Praise effort not achievement. Promote challenge and see mistakes as  valuable. Easy = a waste of time! Remove fixed ability messages in class Anyone who has never made [...]

Mastery in Maths evening…2022-08-18T13:27:21+01:00

Class 4 and the Choristers…


That was a really nice day.  Traveling to Exeter and grouping up with the whole of the Braunton Learning Community and the Choristers from the Cathedral, singing almost a dozen songs. ...but it was also the community feel of traveling to Exeter, having lunch together, meeting up with friends and sharing a great time in beautiful surroundings.  The children did [...]

Class 4 and the Choristers…2022-08-18T13:27:21+01:00

Children In Need 2015


The theme for Children in Need this year is 'Champions for Change.' So..in class 4 we decided in make Champion medals to explain what we want to make sure every child has-all of the time! Some of our wishes were that every child had love, safety, food, support and someone to trust. One that I thought was lovely [...]

Children In Need 20152016-01-15T19:37:39+00:00

Operation Christmas Child…


48 Operation Christmas Child boxes all collected this morning and sent off to Barnstaple with the other 65 from St George's. We didn't beat our record of 50 boxes from last year but the 113 in total beats our village target of 100 so we're all happy. Thank you very much for thinking of others, making a box up and [...]

Operation Christmas Child…2022-08-18T13:27:21+01:00



In science on Monday we have been learnt about shadows.We received a letter from a local puppeteer who wanted to know how we could change the shape and direction of a shadow. We were then asked if we could have a go at our own puppet show to tell the story of Night Monkey, Day Monkey which is the story [...]


So…what is a source of light?


Today class 3 started their new science topic about light and we had some great discussions about what is a source of light. We had to decide whether things were a light source or not. Here are some of the ones we found tricky. The moon: Sam claimed “people say the moon shines brightly so it must be a light [...]

So…what is a source of light?2022-08-18T13:27:21+01:00

Grand Designs-The Nature Area


On the last day of the half term class 4 were set the challenge of re-designing the Nature Area by FROGS, to show what they would like to have in there when it is developed. When we went up to the Nature Area the children were surprised to see how much it had changed since they were last in there. Jess: "It just looks [...]

Grand Designs-The Nature Area2022-08-18T13:27:21+01:00

French Day…


Bonjour! We were treated to a wonderful French Meal today in honour of our visiting French family. Kerry in the kitchen served up a gorgeous French menu and Ms Trute worked her magic to turn our hall into a wonderful venue. Augustin (11) on piano, Adele (9) on flute, Anatole (8) on accordion, Amory (7) on drums blew us all [...]

French Day…2016-01-15T20:14:45+00:00
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