The last event in the 2019/20 league saw a reduced team of Kitty, Elfini and Presley battle windy and very muddy conditions at West Buckland School to complete their final cross country run of the league.  They all battled well despite some injuries (Kitty) and a lot of mud.  At the end of the run the annual prize giving saw cups and medals given out to the winners and all children who had completed at least 4 (usually 5) events.  Kitty, Elfini, Martha, Presley and Jet all received medals and they voted to have a special medal made up for Jasper who, despite not making all the events, supported them throughout and ran with gusto when he could.

The league is fantastically well organised and attended by schools and athletics clubs across North Devon.  We fielded one of the smallest teams in the event but what they lacked in numbers they made up for in grins and giggles, especially given how muddy the courses were this year.  Hopefully their stellar efforts will inspire more of you to join in next year!

Thanks to all the parents who gave up time on Sunday mornings to drive the children to the further reaches of North Devon and Torridge!