Monthly Archives: October 2018


Pen Recycling… here!


There are two local Terra Cycle collection points (Caen & the Academy) so the only way we can do pen recycling is to collect and take en-masse. Thanks to Ali Crossman, we now have a box just by the entrance to school where you can bring your old writing instruments. Ali's going to take them to the Academy when there's [...]

Pen Recycling… here!2022-08-18T13:27:12+01:00



At this Friday's 150th service, we'll also be taking the produce (and sellotaped coins) to the church for BPAG / Encompass SW. Please send in produce, tins, cartons etc., that you may not need, as these are needed hugely by some families, even as close as Barnstaple.


So much fun, on the farm…


"So much fun on the farm, on the farm it's fun it's fun. So much fun on the farm. ON THE FARM IT'S FUN!!!"...Sang Stepping Stones around the lunch table this afternoon after an incredibly fun morning at Incledon Farm in Georgeham. We set off at 9.30am and arrived to be welcomed by the very lovely Farmer John and his [...]

So much fun, on the farm…2022-08-18T13:27:12+01:00

Voting to change the school rules….


9.56: Greek update Extending break times - not voted for Indoor play - not voted for A games day on Fridays - PS4 - no Sack the teachers - not carried (could get worse ones) Earlier lunch - no majority Bring your pet to school - law not passed .......decided to keep the rules the same!! Great costumes - it's [...]

Voting to change the school rules….2018-10-02T10:29:09+01:00
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