I thought I’d share our Collective Worship (our ‘Assembly’) from today.

These are really good opportunities to share stories, to wonder about things and to consider what our school values mean.

This term we’re trying to understand the one about Being Confident, where we try to help the children learn about and develop their self-esteem and belief in themselves.   

I showed them a couple of photos of me kayaking and then shared the poem by Kahlil Gibran called, The River Cannot Go Back.

We wondered how the river would feel about what’s coming round each bend and how it felt as it got towards the ocean.

The River Cannot Go Back…

It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.
But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.

Kahlil Gibran