It’s Monday, it’s raining but nothing gets us down at Stepping Stones. We had a great time exploring The Three Little Pigs last week. It was great fun huffing and puffing all over the place. The children loved making houses out of hay, sticks and stones outside in forest school and trying to blow them back down again. We also made our very own Puppet Theatre and the kids loved acting out the story of The Three Little Pigs so much that we are going to open again for another performance this week with a brand new show!

Huffing and puffing…

House made of sticks and stones…

Puppet Theatre is open!

Puppet Theatre is open!

Puppet Theatre is open!

We are moving on to Goldilocks and the Three Bears this week. This is a perfect story to help us explore several of the early years areas of development. We will be talking lots about different sizes, sorting objects into size order, this should instigate lots of communication and language opportunities. As we all know, Goldilocks made some particularly daft decisions, so we will also talking about the differences between good and bad behaviour and what it means to make good choices! 🙂

Take a look at this weeks planning sheet…

Already this morning we have read the story of Goldilocks and have made our own porridge in different sized bowls. The children enjoyed this so much that they sat at the table for quite some time, mixing and talking about the bears and how to get the porridge just right for them. We heard some really lovely language coming from the children as they described it amongst themselves. It seems jam and cinnamon is the way forward. It smelt absolutely delicious!


Q. What happens if you drink tea?

A. You turn into a tea towel! 
