Last Friday we stood at the Stepping Stones class window and watched the tractor deliver and dump 8 tonne of wood bark to the Forest Village (thank you Travis Perkins). At which point it seemed absolutely crazy to not get the little ones geared up into their waterproofs and up to the space to get stuck in. The aim was to  get the bark spread across the newly cleared space, on top of the ground sheets. We promise this wasn’t child labour! They went totally barking bonkers for it and loved every second. Snow White’s ‘Hi Ho, Hi Ho’ playing in the background was also a nice touch. Your children are incredibly hardworking! You should be very proud of them :).  A huge thank you to Rob, Ted and Pete for all of your hard work and time spared also! This is another stepping stone closer to getting the Forest Village Vision complete!

(Probably the easiest blog post we’ve ever had to create as the pictures 100% speak for themselves.)