“I really liked Henry’s because he has a rocket and a volcano!” said Benjy

“I liked Sunny’s and I liked the Gecko facts,” said Tess.

“I liked Tess’s because it has a great design” said Harry.

Edie said to us, “I liked Roxie-Lou’s because she had not one fact, but others all spaced out and underneath each other, so that you don’t know what’s next.”

Will said, he liked Presley’s because it was interesting, had some good facts and it’s nice that Presley had a present where he’s now adopted an elephant called Kiruba.

“I liked Isla’s because she had some wrapping paper with polar bears on,” said Lily-Mae

Miss Ash said, “I liked Sukey’s because I liked the way she did the planet and the background…. very good.”

“I liked the way Presley made and painted his elephant,” said Samuel.