Well we made it! We all survived a whole week of full days in Class 1! Well done everybody. We’ve had a very fun week, learning lots of sounds, practising our number work and making sure we are safe when walking on the roads. We have been practising our movements outside where we have experimented with different ways of travelling and pretending to be animals. We have also been able to say what makes us special as individuals:

Elfini “I help to tidy my house, do the gardening and I clean out my guinea pigs!”

Evie “I am good at going under water on my own, right down to the bottom!”

Ashley “I tidy up my bedroom all on my own!”

Edie “I can go under water and open my eyes without goggles on!”

Benjy “I can walk a long way on the Tarka Trail!”

Harry “I am good at tidying up and I can make big things out of Lego!”

These were just a few examples but well done everybody in Class 1 for recognising how you are special in your own unique way.

The sounds that we have learned since starting in Class 1 are:


We have learned not only the sounds and actions but also the proper letter names. The children can show off to you now at home! 🙂

On our walk we practised crossing the roads safely and staying in a line. We discussed not to touch anything that doesn’t belong to us and to always listen out for cars and bikes around us.

Our treat this week for all our super learning was a trip to the park! 🙂